-Show Results-
Ladies Kennel Association Champ Show 2015 - 3rd MPD (Qualifying Crufts 2016)
Boston Champ Show 2016 - 1st PD, BPDIB, BPIB and TPG1 (1 JW Point)
Manchester Champ Show 2016 - Res MPD
Isle Of Ely Open Show 2016 - 1st PG, BPIB, TPG1
Matlock & DC Open Show 2016 - 1st PG, BPIB & BOB
Crufts 2016 - VHC PD
The Northern Pomeranian Champ Show - 4th JD
Birmingham Nationals Champ Show 2016 - 2nd JD - Qualifying Crufts 2017
Southern Counties Champ Show 2016 - 2nd JD
Blackpool Champ Show 2016 - 1st JD & Best Junior Dog In Breed (3 JW Points)
Paignton Champ Show 2016 - 2nd JD
Bournmouth Champ Show 2016 - 1st JD
WKC Champ Show 2016 - 2nd JD
SKC Champ Show 2016 - 4th JD
City Of Birmingham Champ Show 2016 - 1st JD
Northern Pomeranian Club Open Show - 1st JD & 1st Special Stud Dog
Richmond Champ Show 2016 - 2nd JD
Darlington Champ Show 2016 - 1st JD
South Wales Pom Club Champ Show 2016 - 4th JD
Driffield Champ Show 2016 - 4th JD

Paavali's Picture Perfect aka "Bear"
Best Puppy In Breed and Toy Puppy Group 1 Winner at Champ Show level
Qualified for Crufts 2016 & 2017
Our little girl Maddie (Paavali's Maiden Voyage) has blessed us with another stunning boy called Bear, making her a constant quality producing dam. His dad is our amazing boy Chuckles, who was bred by UK's top breeder and exhibitor Mrs Averil Cawthera-Purdy
We're so proud and happy with our little "Bear". He has only been shown a couple of times and has already qualified for Crufts 2016 and 2017. What an amazing start to his show career
We think this little man is going to have a glowing future ahead of him!

-Show Critiques-
Boston Champ Show 2015
Judge Mrs Wilma Morrison - I was delighted with this breed, as quality was in depth. They were all presented to perfection and I was splitting hairs when deciding on my placings, the exhibitors were very sporting and should be congratulated on the standard of their exhibits and this was proven later in the main ring at the Toy Group and Toy Puppy Group challenges.
PD (7, 1) 1 D'Arcy & Duffield's Paavalis Picture Perfect. This is a quality youngster, he has a lovely foxy outline of head, good eye shape, tidy dentition, liked his size, he is sound in make and shape and resultant movement, he has a good harsh outer coat, tidy ruff and well fanned tail, moves with style and buoyancy, was presented and handled to perfection here and later to go BPIB and later PG1, well done, one for the future
Boston Toy Puppy Group
Judge Mr Richard C Kinsey - Toy Puppy Group 1 - D'Arcy & Duffield's Pomeranian Paavali's Picture Perfect, What a little showman. Full of character and style. Foxy in head with appealing eyes and well set ears. Well laid in shoulder and straight forelegs supported by tight feet. Ample body under his well groomed jacket. Moves out with a jaunty spring in his step that draws your eye to him. One that should go all the way.
Isle Of Ely Open Show 2016
Judge Mr Gary Thomas - 1st PG Pom- D’Arcy & Duffield’s Paavali’s Picture Perfect, won this class with his lovely type, orange puppy with a real foxy expression, short coupled with high tailset, double coated with harsh textured outer coat, moved briskly to win Best Puppy
Toy Puppy Group judge Mrs Sheila Byers - TPG1 - D'Arcy & Duffields Paavalis Picture Perfect - Pomeranian. Again a lovely exhibit and very true to his name and breed standard, such a cheeky alert little dog so well put together a lovely picture on the move I loved him.
Matlock Open Show 2016
Judge Mrs Lynda (Cheshire) Hey -1st PG Pom - D'Arcy & Duffield’s Paavalis Picture Perfect, 11 months solid gold dog, what a smasher, he really showed his socks off, moving with purpose & drive. A credit to his owners. BOB, BP
Birmingham National Champ Show 2016
Judge Margaret Bunce - 2nd JD D’Arcy & Duffield’s Paavali’s Picture Perfect, compact with neat overall shape. Pleasing head & bright expressive eyes. High tail carriage. Beautiful coat of correct texture. Brisk happy mover. Qualifying for Crufts 2017
Southern Counties Champ Show 2016
Judge Mr George Farmer JD - 2nd D’Arcy & Duffield’s Paavali’s Picture Perfect, orange, a nice headed lad with small neat ears, pleasing in outline, nicely coated, he moves well both coming & going away
Blackpool Champ Show 2016
Judge Mrs Jane Lilley - JD (5) 1st D’Arcy & Duffield’s Paavali’s Picture Perfect, o/s. Lovely head, eye & expression with good finish to muzzle. In hard condition, scoring on layback of shoulder, this being reflected in the excellence of his front movement